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Personal data

We protect your personal data

Website and Booking System - GDPR Compliance Information

Given our operations, we handle personal data. There's no other way around it. However, we understand the sensitivity of your data and fully respect your right to privacy. We safeguard your data and commit not to provide it to third parties under any circumstances.

The company Lipno Lake s.r.o. took measures that follow the requirements of data protection regulation (EU) 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as GDPR).

Through a comprehensive analysis of all areas where we handle personal data, we have defined the purposes for which this data is processed and stored. We have compared the results with the legal bases that determine our authority or obligation to archive certain data. We have developed the necessary internal documentation containing precise rules on handling personal data, which our employees adhere to. This documentation specifies how we handle, process, and protect the personal data of data subjects (individuals) and regulates the responsibility of employees who handle personal data. The documentation also precisely outlines the procedure and deadlines for erasing personal data.

Withdrawal of Consent for Personal Data Processing

An individual has the right to withdraw previously granted Consent for the processing of personal data.

To withdraw Consent, simply send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating the specific withdrawal of Consent.

Example: I withdraw Consent for the processing of personal data for the purpose of receiving newsletters and promotional communications.

Right to Be Forgotten

An individual has the right to be forgotten (erasure of personal data from all databases).

A request for the erasure of personal data can be made by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The right to be forgotten is held by the data subject (individual) at any time, and erasure is performed for all personal data not subjected to another legal obligation.

Example: A legal obligation may include the recording and archiving of accounting records, which must be retained for 10 years. Similarly, personnel records of our employees must be archived and cannot be erased.